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Returns a list of Networks in the Organization you have access to

Returns an array of Networks you have access to.

Path Parameters
    orgid string required

    Unique identifier of the organization


An array of Network IDs

    authorId string
    description string
    authTokens string[]
    authorizationEndpoint string
    capabilities string[]
    clientId string
    creationTime integer
    dns object
    domain string
    servers string[]
    enableBroadcast boolean
    id string
    ipAssignmentPools object[]
  • Array [
  • ipRangeStart string
    ipRangeEnd string
  • ]
  • mtu integer
    multicastLimit integer
    name string
    nwid string
    objtype string
    private boolean
    remoteTraceLevel integer
    remoteTraceTarget string
    revision integer
    routes object[]
  • Array [
  • target string
    via string nullable
  • ]
  • rules object[]
  • Array [
  • not boolean
    or boolean
    type string
  • ]
  • rulesSource string
    ssoEnabled boolean
    tags string[]
    v4AssignMode object
    zt boolean
    v6AssignMode object
    6plane boolean
    rfc4193 boolean
    zt boolean